Teaser: Coconut Cake Prep

We're making coconut cake next weekend. This past weekend, we had to do a few things in preparation - make coconut milk, coconut cream, coconut extract and shredded coconut. We could have certainly bought store bought ingredients as substitutes, but never having had coconut cake before, I wanted to try the real, honest to goodness cake so if I used store bought ingredients in the future, I would be able to accurately compare it to the real deal. It really helps I think, when you are starting to cook, or if you are cooking something unfamiliar, so that you can judge the flavors of store bought substitutes. Plus, it's just plain fun.

First you have to open the coconut, which is easier said than done. We Nick used a powder drill to drill out two of the eyes of the coconut. We then drained the coconut water from the coconut into a plastic container with a lid. Once all the water has drained, strain the water (we used a reusable coffee filter) and close the container. Place in the refrigerator for later use (it keeps for up to a week).

Preheat the oven to 375 F. Next, place the drained coconuts into the preheated oven and bake for 15 minutes. The coconut should have cracked in several places while baking. Remove the coconuts from the oven and allow to cool until they are able to be handled.

Nick wanted a picture of the coconut's spooky faces.

After baking, notice the large crack.

After the shell is removed.

Once cooled, crack them open with a dull blade (we used a screwdriver) to seperate the hard shell from the brown husk. Then, using a vegetable peeler, peel the husk from the white meat of the coconut. Rinse the coconut and pat dry to remove any remaining husk. Break the meat into 2 or 3 inch pieces and grate the coconut.

Milk and Cream infusion

Coconut milk infusion

Coconut cream infusion


To make the coconut milk, pour 1/2 c. boiling milk into a glass container. Then add 2 oz. of freshly grated coconut. Seal tightly and allow to sit for 1 hour. Strain the mixture through a tea towel or cheese cloth into a container. Seal and reserve in the refridgerator for later use.

To make the coconut cream, pour 1/2 c. boiling milk into a glass container and add 4 oz. freshly grated coconut to the milk. Seal tightly and allow to sit for 1 hour. Strain the mixture through a tea towel or cheese cloth into a container. Seal with a lid and reserve in the refridgerator for later use.

To make the extract,  pour 1/2 c. vodka into a glass jar and then add 1 1/2 oz shredded coconut. Seal tightly and allow to sit for 5 to 7 days. After the week or so, strain out the solids and reserve for later use. (But I'm sure by now you just want to make the cake already, right?)

All the coconut milk products and the shredded coconut will keep for 1 week in the refrigerator and 1 month in the freezer. The extract can be stored in the pantry.

 Stay tuned next week to see how the cake comes along!

2 lovely comments:

  1. Sounds like you're using Alton Brown's coconut cake recipe, and that excites me! I've wanted to make that cake ever since I saw the episode years ago!! I even went so far as to buy coconuts - alas I burned them in the oven toasting process so no cake was yielded. I can NOT wait for yours to be done so I can be inspired to make my own :) Hmm...that could be a great valentines day treat :)

  2. Good call, Andrea, I am using Alton's recipe. I think I'm going to change out the icing a bit, but I want to taste the cake itself before I say for sure. Maybe it's my not so new Florida locale, but I've been experimenting more and more with coconut recently and loving it.
